Monday, March 10, 2008

Big Girl Eats!

She is eating like a big girl! Adam & I were so excited. We went out to dinner Friday night to a Mexican restaurant. I didn't bring any toys and I didn't bring any snacks (if you're a mother to a toddler you realize how big a deal this is). She sat in her booster seat with her sippy cup. She ate some chips and salsa (loves salsa) and then she ate her taco and her rice and her beans. (YIPPEE! HOORAY! WAHOO!) We were so proud of her.

Moses is always around. He follows me wherever I go, thus, he's always with Charlotte. Well, last week she decided he needed some clothes on. She picked two pairs of pants out of the dirty clothes basket and drapped them over Moses and then stood back and laughed. Well, he would pull an ol' Eeyore, wait a few seconds and try to wander off, inconspicuously. The clothes would fall off, Charlotte would laugh, run to pick them up and do it all over again. It was so funny - and Moses looked so miserable but he kept it up. She also likes to brush his hair...or more accurately, whack him with my hairbrush. (She doesn't really whack him but it sure isn't what you'd call brushing and notice I said 'my hairbrush'.) Moses is a good boy. Right now Charlotte's laying down taking a nap and Moses is in bed with her, snuggled right up next to her, tight as he can get.

We had big plans to go to the 'greening of the fountain' at Forsyth. But wouldn't you know it...we got rained out - tornado warning and all. We made the best of it, though. I kept telling Charlotte we couldn't go outside (she signs outside) because it was raining and it stuck me...she doesn't know what rain is. So, I put her in her rain gear and set her out in the rain (no tornado came to Savannah). Charlotte was big time!

Taking the dogs for a walk is a favorite thing to do. I wonder how long before Charlotte is embarrassed, as her parents already are, of Eloise's constant barking and leash-attacking. If she sees a dog out on a walk, Eloise will bark and then attack her leash. It's quite dramatic. I can Cesar her, walk her on a high collar with a leash but usually my hands are too full with Moses and stroller. The problem is fixable, though. Anywho...Charlotte knows when it's time to go for a walk and will go get 'Mo-Ellie' leash and drag it around until I attach them to it. Adam no longer can sneak out of the house without Charlotte for the dog's evening constitutional either. Where Mo-Ellie goes, Charlotte goes...

Charlotte's Gigi came for a visit this weekend. We had big plans to go to Tara Feis, an Irish Festival and watch River dancing but it was so blustery, we couldn't go. We got close to the river and a huge gust came through and nearly 'pigleted' us (we've been watching winnie the pooh) so we turned around and headed for home. But before we got there we stopped at the cupcake emporium and then let Charlotte toddle in Chippewa Square. I was going to let her explore the monkey grass but was stopped by Adam and Jeanne. Apparently that's where dogs poop. I played in it when I was a kid (poop-free monkey grass, that is).

Then, because the sun is always shining in Colonial cemetery, Charlotte got to toddle all over. This will probably creep her out when she's older, but she had a fun time on Saturday.

Maybe this will make up for it: Charlotte, you are an absolute doll and everywhere we go people comment on how gorgeous and precious you are. At supper on Saturday night a woman stopped, squated down to your level and told you, face to face, just how beautiful you were. On Sunday, we were leaving Mellow Mushroom and a table full of college kids (girls and guys), your daddy and I overheard them, started all talking about how ADORABLE you were toddling down the street, friendly and happy to all...We are so proud of you already.

I had a hard time getting into the shower today because whenever I started to Charlotte would run up to me in her 'Well-Behaved Cowgirls Seldom Make History' t-shirt and frantically sign 'nurse mommy please' (oh my gosh, it's the cutest thing ever!!!). She did it 5 times. Finally I signed back to her, 'nurse mommy all done'. 'Please' in ASL is palm rubbing a circle over your heart but Charlotte rubs her belly and wiggles her hips.

Charlotte got a dolly stoller. She LOVES it. For things other than baby Martha. She collects things in it: YOu know, remote, gloworm, book, cup, whatever!

1 comment:

Noni - Popi said...

You have a lot to report and by the time I finished reading it, I had tears in my eyes - was so sweet. That's a good picture of Adam and Charlotte in the park. The story about Char trying to dress and brush Mo is so cute - I can certainly picture it. Her standing on the back porch in her rain coat is so cute. That's a good picture of Jeanne and Charlotte. Love the expression on Char's face when Adam throws her high in the sky and the pic of her pushing her little stroller is cute - she's so happy. Of course everyone loves her - she's adorable and her happiness glows. Keep up the good work. Miss y'all lots!