Saturday, June 28, 2008


Charlotte is eating Scooby Doo Macaroni & Cheese for lunch. She is feeding them to Eloise. She dropped a noodle from her highchair onto Eloise's head. Charlotte said uh-oh and pointed to Eloise. I got the noodle off Eloise's head. Charlotte put the rest of her noodles on HER head.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Diagnosis: Eczema

Charlotte's rash was getting worse and worse. We saw her pediatric nurse practitioner on Monday, she prescribed on oral and topical steroid, told me to keep her on Benadryl every 6 hours for the next 7 days and to keep her inside, and they'd check on her in a week (when she was in to get vaccinated, no, they said, vaccines would still be fine). It wasn't getting any better. Wednesday I woke up and called every dermatologist in Columbus, Auburn and Newnan. The soonest I'd be able to get her in anywhere was July 17. I called her Pediatrician, to see if they could pull some strings somewhere, no go.

Noni & Popi got on the case. At 1:05 Popi calls to tell me he's got Charlotte in to see his genius dermatologist at Eagles Landing, but to hurry because her appointment was at 3:00pm (they had just had a cancellation). I grabbed Charlotte, her medicine and left. I mean, cantaloupe left the cantaloupe out, didn't send Mo-Ellie outside, nothing. Just LEFT. Got in the car, plugged in the address and called Popi to gripe about how this was ridiculous, there was no way I was going to make it. Well...we made it by 3:15 (I guess there were enough people praying for us).

Dr. Cheng was great. Charlotte wasn't afraid of her, which was super. Charlotte had a fun time running round and round the exam table and pushing the up, down, right, left lever buttons for the table - fun drum!

So, it turns out Charlotte has a eczema. We first noticed it on Father's Day, after spending a day at the pool at Noni & Popi's. Charlotte was hardly in the water at all but, apparently, sudden temperature changes can cause it to start, heat aggravates it, water aggravates it, so on and so on...She had been prescribed the wrong medicine by her pediatrician, and giving her benadryl every 6 hours was insane. We're on the right medicine now (3). She cannot play outside, she cannot take more than a 3 minute lukewarm bath. She can only wear cotton, clothing has to be washed in special detergent. She cannot play on rugs and she CANNOT be vaccinated until the eczema clears up.

At least we know now what it is and how to treat it.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Wilson Family Barbeque Party

Saturday we had a family barbeque. I was stressed out about it enough to get myself organized beforehand. What a HUGE difference organization makes in preparing for anything. PJ & Kiki couldn't make it, Lisa & Matt couldn't make it, Tori couldn't make it, but Noni, Popi, Gigi, UB (Adam's clever nickname for Uncle Bob), Amber & Violet were here. There was enough chocolate cheesecake torte left over for everyone that was invited to have attended but the way it worked out, we all fit into the dining room, so there's a perk. Okay, the leftover torte was a perk too...

Oh, we have been waiting for Violet to come and visit for so long! And it was everything we hoped it would be. She arrived with Gigi right before her nap time (during Charlotte's nap time) so I was free to read her some stories and tuck her in for a rest. I LOVED it. It was wonderful reading to a little girl who let me finish the page before turning it. On the third story I told her it would be the last one so she could take a rest before Charlotte woke up and she picked out Eloise. Now, I am an Eloise fan, obviously, my female schnauzer has her namesake. But Eloise is by far the longest book in Charlotte's library. I still haven't made it through. Don't tell Violet but I pretty much just summarized the pictures throughout the book of ALLLLLLLLLLL of Eloise's outlandish adventrues at the Plaza Hotel. She snuggled up and went to sleep. AMAZING! She did not go to sleep, however, before Charlotte was carried in by Gigi, happy & awake. Oh, Charlotte was thrilled to see a pretty little girl snuggled up on her 'jumping platform'. The next day Charlotte pulled out her stuffed animals from her toy box and put them under the covers just like Violet. And after Violet left Charty had a much better understanding of how to play with her Fisher Price Little People (see photo below). I guess my demos weren't believable. Violet will be back for a sleepover soon. Gigi and Ant Amber promised.

Noni & Popi came and that was exciting. Charlotte is jabbering ever more. Last night she was watching the digital picture frame. Noni came on and Charty started saying 'Noni Noni Noni' - yay Charlotte!

The girls had lots of fun, and the grown-ups had lots of fun, and the food was good, I don't mind bragging and rubbing it in to ya'll that didn't come! I only wish we had had more time.

Charty has an awful rash. It started, faintly, a week ago. We thought maybe it was prickly heat but now we know it's not. She woke up last night itching at 1am and then again at 4am. It was all over her trunk, arms, thighs and palms. Oh, it was terrible! I gave her some benadryl and slathered on the Calamine. I woke her up at 10:30am this morning to run her to the Doctor. Doctor doesn't know what's causing it but it's an allergic reaction to something. She's to be on Benadryl all day, oatmeal baths, special soap, two perscriptions and she has to stay in and take it easy. She keeps running from door to door saying 'out'. I tell her no, you're sick, we have to rest, and she runs to the other door, says 'out'. (Okay, so she doesn't really pronounce the "t" but we've got the "ou" and trust me when I say I know what she's saying.)
She got to eat her favorite lunch - scooby doo mac & cheese and twix. I'm a sucker.

Charty took fat chick (yes, I know not pc but look at him!) out for a walk to look for cats Saturday while Adam was at work before the party started. I had been promising her all morning and took her after I vacuumed completely forgetting until we were 500 yards from the house that I still had on my pj's. Not cute little could-run-to-walmart-in pj's, no. Old ripped boxers and a torn t shirt. Ah! Mortified and not just because I was standing in front of the million dollar mansion, no it had more to do with all the mini vans driving past, loaded up with bicycles and kids for a day at the park. Needless to say, we didn't stay out long. Charty was not happy (neither was fat chick).

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Deal Pickles

I read that an hour before toddler goes to bed, there is to be no rough-housing, no tv, no sweets...we tried that. The first night, it worked beautifully (we were thrilled). The second night, she was back to her old habits. 2 1/2 hours it took her to go to sleep. When she got 'rowdy' she got a warning then she got time out in the playpen. For the most part she lies quietly, rubs her feet all over my arms, hums, pokes me in the eye, twirls my hair...very gently annoys the bejesus out of me. She's 'behaving', I can't punish her for having a hard time going to sleep. I rub her feet, scratch her back, (she doesn't like me singing), read Goodnight Moon. ARGH! What's the deal pickle?!?! The biggest mystery is that she is out within 2 minutes of laying her down at nap time. Oh, I hope this is a stage that she'll grow out of.

I've started speaking Toddler-ese ( to help try and soothe down Charlotte's tantrums. I feel like an idiot, maybe that will pass with practice. When she gets really upset, I'm suppose to get down at her level, mimic her facial expressions, repeat back to her, with all the sincerity I can muster, what I think she would be telling me if she could.

Mommy doesn't understand! I am mad mad mad! I want to walk all over town and search for kitty cats!!! Not after groceries are unloaded now now now!

YES! I do feel like a total idiot but so's kind of working. I'm validating her feelings, letting her know I understand, and I'm sorry she is upset. We will go for a walk to look for cats after the groceries are unloaded and daddy is home. I swear, she's boom, up off the floor, tantrum finished, she's off and on her way (inside) to find something to do.

Oh, and Charlotte has heat rash. And she's tough as nails. We were walking, searching for kitty cats and she had on her cheap yard shoes and she tripped 5 times in 2 minutes and her knees were scratched and she was bleeding and she didn't even hesitate - back up, searching for cats.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Monkey on the Bed

I've got to pull out my book. We're going through something here, a phase or a cycly or a shift that, please God, is only temporary. Charty had a BIG day yesterday (I mean, I was tired) and only a little nap that she was NOT happy to be woken up from (accident). Last night, I lay down with her to go night-night at 9:00. She didn't dose off until 11:30. She's sitting up, "singing" 'happy and you know it', clapping, stomping, hooray-ing, pretending to read her good night books, searching for Bo-Bo the Frogs missing belly button, opening her night night lotion, squeezing it out, rubbing it on her pajamas, saying 'ahhhhhhhh'. The night before that Adam was late coming to bed and she kept pointing at the door, signing open and saying 'dad', signing help please. She's signing in complete sentences. I finally said, well, shoot, let's find daddy and get some ice cream and we'll try this again in a bit. Dim lights come on, she's now jumping on the bed, then she's over at the radio pushing on and dancing. CRAZY!

A couple mornings ago she woke up and pointed at Moses & Eloise and patted the bed. Okay, I put Eloise up there. Then Moses comes out from underneath the bed and he wants up, Charty pats the bed, points at Moses signs help, I'm kind of ignoring her because I'm reading my book. She slides off the bed, runs to Moses herself, throws her arms around his waist and struggles to pick him up. Okay, okay, so I'll help afterall.

Father's Day was nice. We went to Hampton and had a pool party. Charlotte wasn't quite as adventurous this year as she was last. The water was cold and she hardly even wanted her feet in but she did enjoy the beach ball and Lisa & Matt's dogs. Mason the German Shepherd went for a swim and then ran full speed ahead all over the yard with zoomies - headed right for Charlotte, face plastered with a huge grin, starting to laugh at the silly dog, luckily his aim was better than Magnus' would have been and he flew right PAST her. I nearly fainted but Charty thought it was fun, wanted to do that again. The funnest thing Charlotte saw on Father's Day, though, was Jakob swimming. Oh, that was hysterical!

Katy was here and we went to the song & story group at the library and then went to do some shoe shopping. The shoe salesman was a man so Charlotte was terrified and wanted NOTHING to do with him. But we picked out some cute sandals anyway.

Oh yeah! Adam suprised me with a bicycle and Charlotte a bicycle seat. We both got helmets, safety first. Charlotte loved wearing her helmet around the house (no chin strap). She did not like wearing her helmet, strapped on. We battled through that. Luckily, she likes going for a ride well enough to forget about the chin srap. Katy brought her bike down. Tuesday morning we loaded up, headed to the river and did 10 miles of the 16 mile Columbus Riverwalk. It's a paved trail that goes along the Hooch. It was SO MUCH FUN!

We went walking and what did we see yesterday afternoon? A black kitty cat. Charlotte was so excited and she wanted the cat to follow her and she kept patting her leg. She wanted to pet the cat but would get too excited. She sat down next to the cat, legs spread and scooched up and up and then would try and pet the cat. The cat knocked her over a couple times, rubbing up against her.

We went to Moes last night. Charlotte sat in her chair for 2 minutes and then told us she was all finished. She wanted to explore. Some babies came in and she wanted to see the babies. So, we plopped her up in the booth and let her stand and watch the babies and eat ice. It was time to go when Charty dropped her cup of ice water in mommy's lap.

Charlotte has mastered utensils. She's eating her cheetos with a fork. I can't do that.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Grant + Heather = Greather

Greather came to see us last weekend. We were so excited for their visit. A year ago it occurred to us that Grant and Heather would make a precious couple. So, with Lisa's help we arranged it all. Grant came to stay with us in Savannah, fresh out of a relationship. Adam's known Grant forever, ever since their fight over a pencil in 6th grade when they decided to join forces. I have seen Grant with a TON of girls, none of which I ever thought were good enough for him. So, a year ago, Adam & Grant jump on facebook and show Grant all of these party pictures of Heather. Well, after the party pictures he was VERY interested in meeting her. We call up Heather, and I think it's sufficient to say to her, I know a guy that would be PERFECT for you, he's just like Adam minus the huge ego. Of course she was interested because Adam without the ego is a perfect guy! Lisa & Matt met them for a double date and what was it? 8 days later they became 'Greather'.

I've tried and tried to take credit for John & Katy but she pointedly reminds me that all I did was have her in the right place at the right time. John & Katy took care of the rest. Well, okay, but I'm taking FULL credit for Grant & Heather...yay me!

I'm saying this not because I was responsible for one of the greatest match-ups ever, but because they are so precious together, they are perfect! I have never seen either of them happier.

Charlotte immediately ran to Heather and gave her a big hug. Try as he might, she refused to even make eye contact with Grant. He tried and tried, over and over and then he decided all she needed to be friends was a good scare? So he hides in the kitchen and as sweet, unexpecting Charlotte rounded the corner he jumped out and grabbed her like a nasty thingamajig and she screamed as if he really were. Needless to say, that wasn't the way to win her heart. She actually didn't even want to enter the kitchen after that. He tried swinging her, but she refused to make eye contact. Charlotte doesn't quite see Heather's attraction, sorry Grant, and I'm sure it has nothing to do with your making-fun of Charty's nickname.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Quick Pics

This is a girl that woke up refreshed, one that got plenty of sleep. I hear her waking up so I go in to check on her. She's sitting in the middle of the bed, looking around. One side of her hair is standing straight up. I start laughing and Charlotte thinks that is so funny that I am laughing and she starts laughing and we're both laughing but she has no idea what I'm laughing at but she doesn't care! Because it's fun to laugh and any excuse is a good enough for her.

Here we are getting ready to go night night. She's been having a REAL hard time lately falling asleep. Every night it's the same routine: play with daddy, brush teeth, put on pj's, read stories in glider, watch lullabies while mommy & daddy get ready for bed, rub lotion on feet (to which Charty replies with a long 'ahhhhhhh'), read final story 'Goodnight Moon', give daddy kiss, go night night. This night Charty was particularly revved up because daddy got home late and then
had to eat a late supper and then had to pack his suitcase to go to Tampa. Well, Charlotte quickly figured out that she can sit and stand on suitcase and bounce and it bounces her right back. So, daddy's packing and Charlotte's riding his suitcase. I think we read 'Goodnight Moon' 12 times. (It did help put daddy to sleep) Charlotte played with Glo-Worm for an hour after lights were turned off.

Adam went to Tampa for work and Charlotte and I drove to Hampton to see Noni & Popi for a quick visit and then we took Moses & Eloise to get their hair done. Oh, they look so nice! Charlotte fell asleep in the car right as we were pulling up to Toni and Norman's. When she woke up from her nap as we were pulling into the driveway (nice!) she was so excited to see them and how clean and pretty they were.

(Charlotte is signing 'love you') I'll close with that. When I come back: Charlotte's visit with the Princess Heather and Scary Grant!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Little Doll

A dad in Charty's gymnastics class told me yesterday that Charlotte was so cute, she looked just like a little doll. And she always is so prissy and cute, running around in floral dresses with scraped up knees. We're making strides in class...we practiced the balance beam, forward rolls and swinging (hanging) from the bar. The bar was hard and everyone saw her belly but she hung in there!

We had story group on Monday. We were late, or actually, I think class started they were already singing when we snuck in. Charlotte wasn't sure what to make of it but she started warming up. By the time Ms. Lyn handed out the scarves (story prop) and was ready to pick them up again, Charty couldn't wait to plunk hers into Ms. Lyn's basket. She clapped and danced at all the appropriate times, of course, when is it not appropriate to clap and dance? Why walk when you can dance, right?

Story time has been a favorite this past week. This week we love: Brown Bear, Brown Bear & Marshmallow Kisses. We usually take a bath, read stories, go night-night but sometimes she gets so excited she tries to skip the diaper part.

I'm trying to encourage Charlotte to TALK! She'll say "up" and "ice" and "mamamamamama" for anything else she wants us to get/do for her but everything else is still in signs. We've got her basic needs covered in ASL. It occurred to me the other day with all the signing people probably assume she's hearing impaired. Oh, dear.

Adam hung Charlotte's swing up high in the trees in the backyard. She gets to swing WAY out over the hill. It looks like so much fun and she LOVES it but she is COVERED in mosquito bites, that and her scraped up knees oh and she nearly had her ear taken off when she fell alongside of the coffee table a couple nights ago. It left a big bruise on her lobe and the side of her head. Daddy made it all better when he brought ice (not for her ear as he planned but what made her feel better was getting to eat some).

Charlotte is back to the ERGO, she loves to go for a ride on Mommy/Daddy's back even if it's just to vacuum the house. But first she wants her rain jacket. She puts that on and runs around with the hood on and is then ready to go in the Ergo.
Adam and I have gotten to enjoy some tv here lately (yay! man you miss tv when you can't watch it). We'll sit and watch and Charlotte jumps up on the fireplace and dances and performs. As long as we clap every now and then she thinks we're watching her. It works.