Wednesday, May 28, 2008


We went to the playground yesterday morning for an hour. Always, we take the wagon. Charty had her cube of ice for the ride and her sippy cup of water. We pull in and I ask her if she's ready to play? Yes, she signs back 'play' but doesn't move. I sit down and we wait 5 minutes until she's feeling brave enough to climb out of the wagon and join in.


We played, it was hot. She saw a pretty little girl with great big eyes. Charlotte waved 'hey' and the poked her right in the eye.

Today we went to the library. Columbus has a really nice library (I'm talking it has an atrium and a CAFE nice). The children's section has a great big reading circle with kid-size armchairs and bean bags and rockers. Maybe our girl is just a bookworm. There was no hesitation climbing out of the stroller (and it was her first time exploring the library) and she was gone. She didn't even look back to see if I was following. It took her no time at all to pick out a Big Bird book and head over to the reading circle. She tried out every chair in the circle and showed all of the big kids there her book. One little girl was reading to her brother and sister and Charlotte climbed right up into her lap to listen to the story. It was hysterical and the big kids loved her. I think it was because she was so impressed with their showing offs (jumping from footstool to furthest away bean bag). Then she plopped down and loudly "read" her book. Later, she tried to have a "conversation" with a lot of pointing and gesturing to a poor, little, confused 3 year old. It was tricky getting her out of there (after an hour) she didn't want to leave and she was tired and I certainly didn't want a tantrum in the library. It was remarkably quiet considering there were children jumping from footstools to bean bags. We walked out into the atrium together (I know!) and then we checked out out the books together. Okay, I'm not fooling anyone. The children's librarian handed Charty a touch and feel kitty cat book to distract her with.

We came home and read our books. 'Parts' was a huge hit. Then into the tub. After she got out she took off running out of her room, through the living, dining room, into the kitchen (buffnaked). I come behind calling her and 'AHHHHH' out she jumps from behind the cabinet! Oh, she scared me and she laughed so proud of herself. Her first time hiding and scaring me...I was pretty impressed.
Gymnastics tonight! Daddy's coming too!

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