Saturday, May 10, 2008

Growing Up

My observation of the Toddler II class at Wynnton Methodist went really well. The children were precious and so curious to who Charlotte was and whether or not she could come and play with them. They were all eating lunch together and they recited their colors for us. They didn't want us to leave! Charty was a little shy but she also wanted down to go play - conflicted. She did not want to leave and while we were sitting in the director's office she kept pointing at the door and tugging on my arm. We went over how old all of the kids would be that were already enrolled for fall term and talked about whether I'd want her to take a special music class (I do!) It hit me suddenly, I don't want Charlotte missing out on all of this socialization, all of this fun. At home she's in a mommy-daddy-charty cocoon and she needs to get out.

In Savannah we had Allison & Carrie and we saw them all the time! But here, well, we haven't found a play group yet. And any lingering doubts I had were put away when I pulled out my trusty 'Touchpoints' and read that at 18 months a regular play group is critical for developing minds! That even though children of this age won't necessarily interact while they play, they parallel play and seem to pick up behaviors from peripheral vision. A child learns more about themselves from a peer than they can from mommy & daddy. Play is crucial! So, she's enrolled...she starts in August...2 days a week, 4 hours a day - eventhough she's so little still!

This age is so terrific. I mean, the best because she's still little and sweet and let's me love all over her but she is perfectly content to play by herself too. I can also talk to her, and reason with her a bit - and she's beginning to understand consequences. She's still not talking much - with regular words of 'ice', 'elmo', 'ada'/'dada', 'mama'. She has been having big fun outside on her slide! And at her water table. (what was I thinking? I change her outfit 7 times a day)

We go for a walk everyday after lunch and bath, before nap time. We bring Moses & Eloise. Eloise has started riding in the basket of the stroller this's been so hot.

Charty has been carrying around baby Martha, trying to feed her crackers and loving on her. Kisses have been big this week. She has a princess chair and a princess place mat (Adam was appalled that I bought a tacky, pink velour princess chair (it has snow white and cinderella and sleeping beauty on it) but Charty loves it and has been giving them kisses. Glo-Worm gets kisses as well.

Adam sent me flowers for Mother's Day. 'One for every hour I selflessly devout to him & Charlotte' (24-wink) Sweet, huh?

Gotta go, painter's coming and I'm still in my pj's.

1 comment:

Noni - Popi said...

Good read! Your moma was right about the preschool thing, huh? Glad you feel good about it and that Charlotte seemed content with it, too.

Enjoyed your visit over the weekend - was wonderful! I love you,