Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Charlotte asked for a ball at Wal-Mart yesterday. She pointed and said 'ba' as we walked past them, so of course, I made her sign please and then pulled out a Winnie the Pooh ball. She clung to it for a while with a great big grin on her face and then she dropped it, discovered it could bounce and that mommy could dribble it (very impressed) - and that was HILARIOUS! Charlotte was laughing so hard at that bouncing ball, she got people walking up and down the aisle laughing. Someone asked me if Charlotte did commercials...I know! And she couldn't believe it when I said no. She called her friends over to see how pretty and cute Charlotte was (and she wasn't even wearing her hair bow).

When Daddy got home last night I told Charlotte to go find her ball and show it to daddy. And she did! All the way from the bedroom into the kitchen, around the breakfast table and then back into find daddy. We were so proud.

She loves giving Moses & Eloise dog biscuits. This morning, she opened up the dog cupboard and pulled out their bag of biscuits, brought it over to me, signed open, reached her hand in and pulled out some biscuits. I helped her practice taking turns: 'Moses, now Eloise's turn' and let her give them about 10 each (dragon breath). Actually...Charlotte decided...I was watching her. She signed all finished, closed the bag and put them back in the dog cupboard. I was so astonished I called up Noni.

We've finally reached big girl status for sure I think...this morning I took a shower with her sitting just on the other side of the curtain. Now, up until this point, she would have just crawled in and sat in the water, hence the reason I had had to wait for Adam to return home before I could clean up (poor Adam) but today she held her drum sticks and sat outside of the curtain, and I just kept telling her 'no, make a good choice' and she did. Wow!
Adam found her some bunny ears at Target and stuck them on her head. She loved it! Didn't want to take them off. She was standing in the buggy, dancing & proud with her bunny ears on. Another one of the cutest things we'd ever seen.
Oh, Charlotte has also started saying 'yes' - or nodding her head. Finally, we're moving on from all the 'no's'.

1 comment:

Noni - Popi said...

Your update was good - I missed seeing pictures though. How big is her new ball? Bet it was cute seeing her walking herself to get it and then taking it to her daddy to show him. Her signing is improving, huh? A great way to communicate with her until she starts talking more. She must be Mo & El's best friend.
