Monday, June 23, 2008

Wilson Family Barbeque Party

Saturday we had a family barbeque. I was stressed out about it enough to get myself organized beforehand. What a HUGE difference organization makes in preparing for anything. PJ & Kiki couldn't make it, Lisa & Matt couldn't make it, Tori couldn't make it, but Noni, Popi, Gigi, UB (Adam's clever nickname for Uncle Bob), Amber & Violet were here. There was enough chocolate cheesecake torte left over for everyone that was invited to have attended but the way it worked out, we all fit into the dining room, so there's a perk. Okay, the leftover torte was a perk too...

Oh, we have been waiting for Violet to come and visit for so long! And it was everything we hoped it would be. She arrived with Gigi right before her nap time (during Charlotte's nap time) so I was free to read her some stories and tuck her in for a rest. I LOVED it. It was wonderful reading to a little girl who let me finish the page before turning it. On the third story I told her it would be the last one so she could take a rest before Charlotte woke up and she picked out Eloise. Now, I am an Eloise fan, obviously, my female schnauzer has her namesake. But Eloise is by far the longest book in Charlotte's library. I still haven't made it through. Don't tell Violet but I pretty much just summarized the pictures throughout the book of ALLLLLLLLLLL of Eloise's outlandish adventrues at the Plaza Hotel. She snuggled up and went to sleep. AMAZING! She did not go to sleep, however, before Charlotte was carried in by Gigi, happy & awake. Oh, Charlotte was thrilled to see a pretty little girl snuggled up on her 'jumping platform'. The next day Charlotte pulled out her stuffed animals from her toy box and put them under the covers just like Violet. And after Violet left Charty had a much better understanding of how to play with her Fisher Price Little People (see photo below). I guess my demos weren't believable. Violet will be back for a sleepover soon. Gigi and Ant Amber promised.

Noni & Popi came and that was exciting. Charlotte is jabbering ever more. Last night she was watching the digital picture frame. Noni came on and Charty started saying 'Noni Noni Noni' - yay Charlotte!

The girls had lots of fun, and the grown-ups had lots of fun, and the food was good, I don't mind bragging and rubbing it in to ya'll that didn't come! I only wish we had had more time.

Charty has an awful rash. It started, faintly, a week ago. We thought maybe it was prickly heat but now we know it's not. She woke up last night itching at 1am and then again at 4am. It was all over her trunk, arms, thighs and palms. Oh, it was terrible! I gave her some benadryl and slathered on the Calamine. I woke her up at 10:30am this morning to run her to the Doctor. Doctor doesn't know what's causing it but it's an allergic reaction to something. She's to be on Benadryl all day, oatmeal baths, special soap, two perscriptions and she has to stay in and take it easy. She keeps running from door to door saying 'out'. I tell her no, you're sick, we have to rest, and she runs to the other door, says 'out'. (Okay, so she doesn't really pronounce the "t" but we've got the "ou" and trust me when I say I know what she's saying.)
She got to eat her favorite lunch - scooby doo mac & cheese and twix. I'm a sucker.

Charty took fat chick (yes, I know not pc but look at him!) out for a walk to look for cats Saturday while Adam was at work before the party started. I had been promising her all morning and took her after I vacuumed completely forgetting until we were 500 yards from the house that I still had on my pj's. Not cute little could-run-to-walmart-in pj's, no. Old ripped boxers and a torn t shirt. Ah! Mortified and not just because I was standing in front of the million dollar mansion, no it had more to do with all the mini vans driving past, loaded up with bicycles and kids for a day at the park. Needless to say, we didn't stay out long. Charty was not happy (neither was fat chick).

1 comment:

Noni - Popi said...

Cute picture of you reading to Violet and a cute picture of Violet and Charlotte playing in the backyard. We had a great time there last Saturday.