Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Babysitters are AMAZING

It's amazing how quickly our house can go from organized, clutter-free and clean to a total WRECK! It seems to be entirely connected to what time Charty goes down for a nap. She loves to run through the house, opening doors and cabinets and pulling everything out. I'm cleaning up the unrolled paper towels and she's throwing everything out of the guest bathroom under-sink cabinets so that she can climb in and hide. And you should see her room...and my room...

We had a play date today, last minute, not here, at her friends house. Yes. Super, I didn't have to run around frantically cleaning as Charlotte un-did it all.

Adam's birthday was Sunday, we had a party Saturday and it was fun! A nice mix of work and family with a couple of "just" friends thrown in for good measure. Amber was totally looking out for my well-being and sanity and brought along two highly-qualified baby-sitters (and family, family first!) and WOW! babysitters are AMAZING! I've got to find me one of those for use on a regular basis. I didn't even have to worry about Charlotte. She was having fun and taken care of.

Charlotte still has a rash. The strangest thing. We found a new pediatrician. She is WONDERFUL!!! Dr. Lorio Palmas, highly recommended by a friend and I LOVE HER. SHE is the pediatrician we have been searching for. As soon as she met Charlotte she got down on the floor with her to play. She spent an hour with us, discussing this bizarre-o rash and when we left Charty gave her kisses and big hugs. The nurses are great, the office staff is great. Charlotte went to the doctor's office...and ENJOYED it. We're going to keep an activity/food journal. She said to let her play, go outside! YAY!

I'll try and not let her get too hot but it's good for her to be outside. So, we went for a run together last night - and man, it is way easier to run WITHOUT pushing the stoller (hills) but we enjoyed it. When we were finished we went walking, looking for cats. There was a cat at our play date this morning. Poor cat. Charty found him and chased him all over the house, onto the sofa, under the bed. Whenever she caught him she'd try and pick him up, carry him with her.

1 comment:

Noni - Popi said...

So glad you and Charlotte like her new pediatrician - that's great. You won't find many that will take the time she did with her, that's for sure. Loved your post - was fun reading it.
