Monday, July 7, 2008


Charlotte's rash is almost gone. How fantastic is that?!? It's amazing what the right dose of medicine can do. The secret to giving a toddler medicine? Stick the dropper in her cheek and blow in her face. Of course, I'm also off the pill (Adam swears she had a medicinal rash to my BCP), and if it was a viral infection then it took every bit of 3 weeks to run it's course which is what the doctor said. So, who knows? I'm just glad it's clearing up and on it's way out.

Chris & Aubrey came and if they were bored out of their minds they were sweet about it. I was bordering on irritable as living with an itchy & bored Charlotte was pushing me to my limits and I could be heard repeatedly uttering the phrase, 'I'm about to lose my mind'. Darla the yorkie came along with Chris & Aubrey and Darla is quite possibly the funnest dog Charty knows. Darla is a year old and tiny and not in the least bit afraid of Charlotte...nor does she really realize that Charlotte is a 'big deal' as my dogs and Noni & Popi's dog realize hence, they are to be on their BEST behavior (= boring) whenever Charlotte is present. No, Darla knows no such rules thus she is a fluff of fun. Charty learned at 18 months what all girls learn at some point in young life...the squeal. Running around, laughing, chasing Darla squealing in a pitch that was probably registering with hounds within a 5 mile radius. Luckily, my nerves were the only ones shot, so I was the only one about to lose my mind, everyone else thought it was so cute.

Aubrey was fun and danced with Charlotte and read her stories and everyone helped her make BOOMS (stacking and bulldozing blocks). Chris was nice and smiled and kept at a safe distance so Charlotte & he were friends by the time they left and waved bye-bye and blew kisses.

We went walking a couple of times this weekend, in the evening, when it was cool. Charlotte walked all over the neighborhood, we were amazed (that the sandals she was wearing that Katy picked out that I insisted would give her blisters did not give her blisters). We usually bring along a stroller or the wagon for when she gets tired. Moses & Eloise come mostly. A couple of nights ago I stuck Mo Ellie in the stroller and they had a big time. Then Charty wanted in with them so there they all 3 were, snuggled up, taking in the sights, scoping out kitty cats together. Charlotte needs a sister.

Last night when it was time for night-night, as usual, Adam kissed his girls goodnight, turned out his light and 20 seconds later was sound asleep. Charlotte wasn't quite ready to go to sleep so she found glo-worm and gave her a squeeze. Then watched as glo-worm came to life, face glowing, humming a lullabye. Charty stares at her real intently and then always give glo-worm kisses when she lights up. Not mild ones either, I mean, lip-smacking kisses. Then she'll give me kisses and say 'mama', in the sweetest voice ever uttered on this earth.

There are plenty of times when I worry about whether or not we've made the right choices with Charlotte. Especially the sleeping, the night-time routine. But I can't imagine not having done it this way. If we hadn't brought her to sleep with us when she was 6 weeks old then we would have done it at 6 months, or a year, or whenever she had a tough day and needed extra snuggling. And I love this time, I cherish it. It will be gone so fast and she won't want to snuggle up with mommy & daddy. She plays with glo-worm (quietly - she knows the rule), they sing and dance and kiss and hug. Actually, she saves her BIG HUGS for Bo-Bo the frog (she'll give him hug, help him sign more and then give him another one). Then she goes to check on daddy to see if he's still asleep, because if he's not, she's going climbing, but he is, and she knows not to wake him. She'll say 'mama' and curl herself up next to me, takes my arm and puts it across her belly (or puts her foot in my hand, wanting me to give it a good rub). After she falls asleep I roll around and flip on a dim light and pull out my book (currently Middlesex by Eugenides and it has taken me 300+ pages to get to the good part which makes the good part all the more better). Could life be any more wonderful? Well...I guess if I had a maid...
As a child I brought all of my stuffed animals to bed with me so that no one's feelings would be hurt. I didn't crate train Moses as a puppy as I was instructed, as soon as he whined, I plopped him into bed with me. Adam slept with Magnus (GREAT DANE) and holds Moses when it thunders out). It was written in the stars that our baby would sleep with us, because Adam is just like me. Dare I say it? We're sensitive. So though I second-guess myself all the time...I feel good about our decision. It's what works for us, it's what makes us happy.

Yesterday stormed. Charlotte watched it from the front porch, clapping, because I can only assume that's what the rain sounded like. And proudly waved her American flags. Finally, Eloise couldn't stand it anymore, she had to go potty. Opened up the back door and out she crept, rain and all. I turn my back, there goes Charlotte, after "Eyie". Oh, rain! She loves the rain. By the time I realized she was outside, she was soaked. So, why not let her enjoy herself? And enjoy herself she did.

1 comment:

Noni - Popi said...

What a great update - I read it and laughed. Am so glad her rash is about gone - finally. I know it about drove you and her crazy. Love the picture of her by the flag - that's good! And the one of Aubrey holding Char in her lap reading her a story - sweet and Charlotte looks so content. Laughed when you wrote how Char & Darla would run around the house chasing each other and Charlotte squealing - I can picture it. Don't doubt your choices - they've been GOOD choices. You both are doing a great job & it shows. So that's the picture of Char in her daddy's boots - that was funny, too and cute. I wish you had a picture of Char, Mo & El in the stroller together - and YES, a baby sister or brother would make her happy (soon as her mommy & daddy are ready). The picture of her running in the rain is another good one. Her happiness shows in almost everything about her. Thanks doll for sharing this. I still think you should write a book - you have a gift when you write.
