Monday, August 11, 2008


It was terrible. Noni & Popi went with us to the doctor's office this morning for the biopsy. I was nervous and anxious and explained it all to Charlotte ahead of time , which may have been a mistake, I don't know. She started crying as soon as we got into the waiting room and it certainly didn't go any better from there. Dr. Cheng removed her white coat, so Charlotte wouldn't always relate white coats with torture. It took 5 of us to hold her down. It had to be done. She has three stitches that will be removed in 2 weeks. We'll get the results back in 2-3 days.

Popi had a lollipop waiting and she had a new Elmo movie in the car. We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and she had fun exploring. She saw a great big Georgia Bulldog stuffed animal and wanted him, did not want to let him go. She didn't want anything to do with that spooky stuffed yellow jacket, 'Buzz'. She wanted the bulldog. Noni & Popi got her a GA Tech dress and a stuffed cat. She brought the cat with her to the table and fed the cat her food and drink. On the way out she tried out all the rocking chairs.

Popi is Charlotte's new best friend. They spent a lot of time together yesterday, playing and swimming, watching the Olympics (she brought her chair in from her room and sat it next to Popi) and swimming. She had so much fun in the pool yesterday. Absoutely no fear whatsoever. Which of course makes me a little worried. She's running in, walking down the steps until she's up to her chin. I hold her level with the water on her belly and she kicks her feet and reaches & digs with her arms.

I wish she could go swimming today, to help make it up to her. But we've got to keep her stitches dry.

Are you praying for us? God bless this child!

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