Friday, August 29, 2008

Grover's Patriotism

We have a bit of a problem.

Last night, we were glued to the Democratic Convention - waiting to hear Obama's acceptance speech. When it finally came on, Charty was still up (Adam was really late getting home last night). She plops down in her armchair with Grover to watch Obama. Finally, Obama comes on stage. I was disappointed, I totally thought he'd parachute in or something, I mean, there's all this hype about him...Grover starts clapping away! Can't hardly control how excited he is. Then Charlotte drops Grover and starts clapping herself! Adam and I look at each other.

Uh-oh. Charlotte's a democrat? Really? Come on Charlotte! It was the same old same old, blah blah blah nothing substantive about what he will do or what he's done. But I like him, he's so nice and he has precious kids and his wife looked really cute last night, didn't she? But, the speech left me feeling...nothing? I mean Grover liked it but he's doesn't have a brain. (oh, Grant, I'm sorry...)

There's all this hype and he is such a great speaker and what a great story he has, I mean he's 47 and has written 2 memoirs and had an over-acheiving, absent father (makes for in interesting impact on a son's psyche), but he shouldn't be president. Obama is so optimistic and hopeful but how in the world is he going to implement all these lofty ideas? He's going to give a tax break to 95% of working families? What working families? Who qualifies? Do we qualify?! He's going to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil in 10 years? What?!?!? How?!?!?! Oh, with the renewable energy that he is going to invest $150 billion in....

With whose money? If I don't qualify for that tax break he's telling me about, my family will be paying? He's going to repay the defecit, get us out of Iraq (he'll talk us out), provide gov't-controlled health care to all (I'm scared), eliminate our dependence on foreign oil, provide tax breaks to everyone except my family and most of ya'll reading this and fund $150 billion in a pilot-mission? But here it is, this is what put me over: "I've got news for you John McCain, we all put our country first." NOTHING Obama has ever done can compare to John McCain's sacrifice.

It just kind of felt silly, a little naive, but it was a great show...but I think that's all it is...

The fireworks were nice. The music was dramatic. Maybe that's what Charlotte liked.


Anonymous said...

I usually don't do the whole post on the blog thing, but since I was called out...

Last night's speech was the most substantive part of this election process by either candidate. Obama clearly laid out his agenda and how to pay for it, by closing corporate tax loopholes and raising taxes on households with > $250,000 income. Also, it's funny how much money you can save when you aren't paying $500 billion dropping bombs on camels (Actual cost of the war in Iraq). The hype is not in the story, it's in the fact people want to believe in politics and the government again. People have become so cynical and accepting of the status quo that some don't believe that positive change is possible. Sure it costs money and some taxes are going to go up, but my mother always said you get what you pay for. Bush cut taxes and we got two wars, a housing crash, and a negative international image (Oh, yeh, and there was that whole Hurricane Katrina response). I'd be willing to pay a bit more to get better results. That is why people are excited about this election. They see the potential for America to be great again. That is why 80,000 people showed up in Denver to hear him give a speech. They believe that things can be different. Better. Evidently even Grover can believe in that...

Angie said...

I must admit - that is a well thought out response. I will believe it if it happens. One question though, Isn't Captain P, Super Grover's sidekick?