Thursday, August 7, 2008


So I've heard it said that blogging is therapeutic - put all your troubles out there to share with the world. I'm sharing my misery in hopes that ya'll will feel it too? No, in hopes that ya'll will say a prayer for us. (As uncomfortable as that makes me because I think religion should be kept out of almost all things public, but yes, I'm saying it because a prayer would be greatly appreciated.)

The back. That sounds 'cutesy' but I in no way think there is anything cute about this. We started having this looked at, 7 weeks ago, by a very reputable pediatrician in Columbus, from there we went to Atlanta to see a dermatologist (3 times). We thought it was an allergic reaction, then eczema, then something viral. We changed pediatricians and had it looked at again, she agreed it was probably viral and was shocked at the strength of the medication that Charty was prescribed BUT the meds (prescribed by dermatologist) almost knocked the rash out. She tapered off the steroids and slowly but aggressively the rash has returned. Only this time, instead of being contained to her sides, it's all over her thighs, her belly & back, the tops of her feet and on her arms.

I researched common childhood allergies. Synthetic fibres. Hmmm....the rash is worse in the morning and when she wakes up from her nap. Her pj's are polyester (geez, how cheap are we?), the comforters are polyester blend (yes, even the summer quilt, strange, I agree), her blanket she naps with...polyester. Her stuffed animals, the rugs all over the house, etcetera, etcetera. Could this be an allergy to synthetic fibres? Pediatrician said maybe. All synthetic fibres, even wash-n-wear cotton, eliminated from the environment. Oh, diapers, DIAPERS! She wants her out of diapers. I can't tell you how many teetees I have cleaned up in the past 3 days, but I most certainly will continue to clean up teetees forever if it will help our Charlotte Rose. It's really exhausting, everything. The not knowing is what is so bad. I'm just worried, all the time, there's a worry knot in the pit of my stomach.
So, first thing Monday morning, we're having it biopsed. Oh, God. Bless her heart. Say a prayer for us.

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